Top 10 Photos of Twenty Twelve
The celebration of the New Year is an arbitrary event in the grand scheme, but one that has taken on great cultural importance as a moment of pause, reflection and revision. We can bid farewell, or Continue Reading
Top 10 Shots of 2010…
We've reached the end of 2010 and that means a look back at the year in photography. This year, I set out some goals at the beginning of the year for myself, and for the most part, I'm pretty Continue Reading
Weeks State Park…
Autumn has arrived! I just spent a few days roaming around Northern New Hampshire, where peak foliage has arrived right on time. The weather was gorgeous for just about the whole weekend, which Continue Reading
A break from the haze…
Haze and humidity are the bane of the landscape photographer. Heat and especially humidity are the bane of ME! Both of which we've had way to much of in the past few weeks, and has Continue Reading