Jim Salge Photography Blog

Images of New England captured in dramatic light and atmosphere

A perfect day in the Zealand Valley…

When I research a location to shoot, I plan to put myself in a location at a time when there is the best chance for dramatic light and atmosphere. Despite the best planning though, the shoot really is at the whim of Mother Nature.

Knowing that, I have to be mindful of my mindset while out shooting autumn. Autumn days are beautiful. Crisp, breezy, perfect blue sky and golden foliage. I’m out there to enjoy the day AND work for the shot, but not every day out delivers the photographic scene I seek. I cannot let the latter dictate my day…

For about a year, I’ve envisioned a dramatic display from Zeacliff as the ultimate White Mountains shot. I dreamed of a valley filled with mist or fog, or a dramatic sunrise over Mount Willey spotlighting Carrigain across the way. I scouted the location this summer, and tried to time the peak foliage perfectly.

Saturday seemed perfect…and the forecast held potential. Crisp and clear during the day; clouds moving in at night. Sunday morning would be an all or nothing sunrise, with the sunrise racing the incoming storm.

And Saturday was the perfect day to hike up. But the perfect light during either golden hour never occurred, blocked by clouds and rain at sunset and daybreak. I ultimately hiked 8+ miles with full overnight gear, only to spend the night ¼ mile from the car…

How do I feel now that I’m back home…great! I had the privilege of spending time in one of my favorite places, and spend the time with a good friend. Met some nice folks and fellow VFTT’rs along the trail as well! And, though lacking the drama that I usually strive for in my photography, I came away with some nice, colorful shots before the clouds moved in! Now in browsing through these photos, I can’t help but think that perhaps these shots capture the feeling, mood and spirit of a gorgeous autumn day even more than most of my dramatic or moody shots…

View Over Wildlife Pond…

View From Zeacliff…

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